Greatday, recently Webgrab doesn't provide or pick-up the program's preview thumbnail.
When browsing the TV Vlaanderen EPG online, it seems the structure has changed and in order to show the preview it needs a double click onto the specific program now. Only the aired now program is by default showing the picture on the TVV webpage.
Not sure how it was before or when changed, as i never use the online EPG.
Thanks for your help,
Greatday, anyone any suggestion or work around onto the matter as above ?
Thanks for your help !
it's in siteini pack
Greatday Mat, thanks,
I've checked the ini file.
Could it be the ini isn't changed recently and so still the same ?
I've replaced the ini with the one you pointed out.
Rerun Webgrab and checked the xml and images links.
It seems the linked program image/preview isn't valid and so not providing any image:
If i can test or search for something to get it back working, please let me know.
Since some days, max a couple of weeks it's not working anolonger.
Thanks for your help,
Updated siteini.pack rev.2
Thanks Mat, rev2 did the trick :-)
Have a nice evening.
Hi sorry , this might be off the topic of no more thumbnails and previews but how can an Channels.xml file be requested to be updated? There are a few new channels on the TV Vlaanderen EPG that I would want/need.
Thank you for the info :) !