hello everyone
can you please add these two channels
AlJazeera Documentary
another request is about WebGrab+Plus\siteini.pack\United Arab Emirates\mbc.net.E.ini
why it is encrypted ? can you please decode it
Are you looking for arab version ?
For aljazeera Yes please
For mbc.E.ini I want the file but it is encrypted I don't know why
you can still use it, siteini with E are free for use, siteini EK havw a key available for donators.
CAN YOU PLEASE ADD ALJAZEERA CHANNELS to \WebGrab+Plus\siteini.pack\Qatar
1- AlJazeera https://www.aljazeera.net/schedule
2- AlJazeera Documentary https://doc.aljazeera.net/%D8%AC%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%AB
best regards
al jazeera arabic is present in various sites: horizon.tv, tv.orange.fr, turksatckablo.tr, melite. etc etc get it from one of these. For documentary i will check
unfortunately it is in English and I want it in Arabic
any updates for this request?
I am new here, I Appreciate if you can add al Jazeera and al Jazeera documentary
is there anyway to modify .ini files by myself most of them are encrypted, is there a way to decrypt them or not
I would like to change the aljazeera-english.com.ini to read from https://www.aljazeera.net/schedule instead https://www.aljazeera.com/schedule
Sure you can start creating your own made siteini. Follow the documentation http://webgrabplus.com/sites/default/files/download/documentation/Manual...
There is a section "developer" http://webgrabplus.com/forums/ini-files
in case you have problem creating the site.ini.
here arabic and english https://github.com/SilentButeo2/webgrabplus-siteinipack/tree/master/site...
Thank you Mat,
it is not working it shows empty nothing comes out
please advice
redownload from siteini.pack
Thank you so much
it works fine, by the way I created my own .ini file to do the job form https://www.aljazeera.net/schedule, it works fine, but it not fetching the current show when it was at the fetching time only, it get skipped.
I know
index_showsplit.scrub {multi(debug)|schedule__row"|| | }
showing only the "schedule__row" class but not showing "schedule__row schedule__row--active" class
do you have any idea how to make index_showsplit.scrub query both items and how can i see the decrypted ini file that you shared
appreciate you support
thank you so much
the only thing you can try is firstshow=1 so it bypass the first show at 00:00 but in your siteini you will get only one day anyway. It seems easy but is not.
Yes you are right, i spent much time to get into the regex thing, but still not having the whole idea. The documentation need more enhancements.
I think if you wrote a good book and listed for sale at Amazon you will get much money there. I will buy it definitely.
Anyway can you share the part that fetching the index block. I am struggling a lot and cannot find away to decrypt the ini file
Appreciate your always support
Well the documentation is there as a concept, then you need your own capabilities to get what you want, it takes time (it took years for me) as every site is different. Anyway you are out of the binary, the link to get what you need is not aljazeera.com/schedule, that includes one day only ....this site makes different calls, when you click on the date and get also next days. A good link is https://www.aljazeera.com/graphql?wp-site=.....which is the one that gets the info. So play around with devtools, i am sure you will find it.
for doc.aljazeera is https://doc.aljazeera.net/graphql?operationName=SchedulePageQuery&variab...
Mat, you are awesome Thank you soooo much
Hi Mat,
I am struggling with learning how to call the https://www.aljazeera.net/graphql?wp-
since 5 hours and it returns null.
can you share with me the decrypted version of aljazeera.com.ini
thank you so much
Hi Mat,
I created the attached ini file, it is working fine for only one day, and because i am using maxdays=5, it replicates the shows for 5 days, exactly as what you said, I found this link from the dev tool, but I am not able to make it work.
and it return this for me
but for for doc.aljazeera.net it returns data, I dont know how you get the data from that source
I like this project and would like to be a volunteered, can you please check the attached file.
I appreciate if you can share the decrypted ini version that use the above link
Thank you so much for your help
Few things:
1. if you want to start, use developer section.
2. not showing you what i did will help you learning.
3. The link you used is in your site.ini wrong, why you keep using it? it return only today...
4. I suggested you what the link should be, so look for it.
I wait for you in developer section ;)
Thank you,
i will post now