I dont see this channel on the SiteIni. Could you update the INI pls?
I dont see this channel on the SiteIni. Could you update the INI pls?
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
you can do this yourself
use <update>c</update>
new channel list will be in your webgrab config directory.
Hi Blackbear199,
I used c and added 1 dummy channel in to the "WebGrab++.config.xml" file, but I dont see that it generates any file.
Could you help me Blackbear199?
open the ini and near the top in the remarks section the instructions are there.
* @Remarks: run c1-Provider-Region to get a list of providers and regions
* use a line from radiotimes.com.channels.Provider-Region.xml as channel line example Sky HD London:
* Sky HD - London
* and set c2-Sky HD - London run wg++ to get channel list for this provider/region
Hi BlackBear199,
Im using uk-sky.com.ini, I only see near bottom the section "channel file creation".
* @header_start
* WebGrab+Plus ini for grabbing EPG data from TvGuide websites
* @Site: uk-sky.com
* @MinSWversion: V1.1.1/55.26
* none
* @Revision 9 - [21/08/2018] r00ty
* Adjusted to use single new single URL programme guide, change 320/320 to desired icon size
* @Revision 8 - [08/06/2016] Blackbear199
* season/episode improvements.added rating,rating icon
* @Revision 7 - [03/06/2016] Blackbear199
* get rid of duplicates
* @Revision 6 - [06/11/2015] Jan van Straaten
* Added productiondate
* @Revision 5 - [23/08/2015] Jan van Straaten
* Adapted to new (simpler) detail pages of the site
* @Revision 4 - [18/05/2012] Quake505
* Small change to the Part Scrub, Added an episode scrub, (yes again) - Ready for GA?
* @Revision 3 - []
* Changed the Part scrub again, also corrected the program start
* @Revision 2 - []
* Updates made recommend by Jan, updated the part scrub, updated productiondate and updated description mod
* @Revision 1 - []
* This is the first version of the file
* @Remarks:
* less details than before!
* @header_end
site {url=tv.sky.com|timezone=UTC|maxdays=7|cultureinfo=en-GB|charset=ISO-8859-1|episodesystem=onscreen|ratingsystem=UK}
url_index.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate} * to speedup the downloading of the index pages
urldate.format {datestring|yyyyMMdd}
url_index.headers {accept=application/json, text/javascript, */*}
index_showsplit.scrub {regex||"events":\[(?:\s{0,1000}\{([^}]*)(?:\}\,?))*\s{0,1000}]||}
index_variable_element.modify {set|'config_site_id'}
index_urlchannellogo.modify {addstart|https://d2n0069hmnqmmx.cloudfront.net/epgdata/1.0/newchanlogos/320/320/skychb'index_variable_element'.png}
index_start.scrub {single|"st"|:|,}
index_duration.scrub {single|"d"|:|,}
index_duration.modify {calculate(format=time)|60 / 60 /}
index_description.scrub {single|"sy"|:"|",|",}
index_title.scrub {single|"t"|:"|",|",}
index_category.scrub {single|"cgid"|:|,}
index_rating.scrub {single|"r"|:"|",|",}
index_description.modify {remove|('productiondate')}
index_description.modify {remove(type=regex)|\(\d+\smins\)}
* episode scrubbed from index_description,most are in () but some are not
index_temp_1.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_description' "\(([ES0-9].+?)\)"} season/episode or just episode in ()
index_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(S\d+.*?[Ee].*?\d+\)} *(Sxx..E..xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
index_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(E.*\d+\)} *(E..xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
index_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(\d+\/\d+\)} *(xx/xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
index_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(\d+\sof\s\d+\)} *(xx of xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
index_description.modify {cleanup(index_temp_1 not "")}
index_temp_1.modify {replace('index_temp_1' not "" type=regex)|,*\s*[Ee]p*\s*|E}
index_temp_1.modify {replace('index_temp_1' not "")|S0|S}
index_temp_1.modify {replace('index_temp_1' not "")|E0|E}
index_temp_1.modify {replace('index_temp_1' not "")|\sof\s|/}
index_temp_1.modify {addstart('index_temp_1' not "")|E} *check if we have only xx/xx
index_temp_1.modify {replace|ES|S} *season/episode present start with S
index_temp_1.modify {replace|EE|E} *no season/episode only start with E
index_episode.modify {addstart('index_temp_1' not "")|'index_temp_1'}
index_temp_2.modify {substring('index_episode' "" type=regex)|'index_description' "S\d+,*\s*E[Pp]\d+"} *Sxx, Epxx or SxxE.xx or Sxx E.xx no ()
index_description.modify {remove('index_temp_2' not "" type=regex)|S\d+,*\s*E[Pp]\d+\/?\d*} *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
index_temp_2.modify {replace('index_temp_2' not "" type=regex)|,*\s*E[Pp]|E}
index_episode.modify {addstart('index_episode' "")|'index_temp_2'}
index_temp_3.scrub {single|"seasonnumber"|:|,}
index_temp_3.modify {replace('index_temp_3' not "")|Season |S}
index_temp_4.scrub {single|"episodenumber"|:|,}
index_temp_4.modify {replace('index_temp_4' not "")|Episode |E}
index_temp_4.modify {addstart('index_temp_3' not "")|'index_temp_3'}
index_episode.modify {addstart('index_episode' "")|'index_temp_4'}
*move eposide to temp to remove unwanted matches
index_temp_5.modify {addstart('index_episode' not "")|'index_episode'}
index_episode.modify {clear}
index_episode.modify {substring('index_episode' "" type=regex)|'index_temp_5' "S\d+E\d+\/\d+"} *SxxExx/xx
index_episode.modify {substring('index_episode' "" type=regex)|'index_temp_5' "S\d+E\d+"} *SxxExx
index_episode.modify {substring('index_episode' "" type=regex)|'index_temp_5' "E\d+\/\d+"} *Exx/xx
index_episode.modify {substring('index_episode' "" type=regex)|'index_temp_5' "E\d+"} *Exx
** _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
** Note, the default URL will fetch the channel list based on the location being London. The /1 at the end of the URL needs to be changed, to fetch different regions.
*index_site_channel.scrub {multi|"t"|:"|",|",}
*index_site_id.scrub {multi|"sid"|:"|",|",}
*index_site_channel.modify {replace|\'|}
*scope.range {(channellist)|end}
*index_site_id.modify {cleanup(removeduplicates=equal,100 link="index_site_channel")}
** @auto_xml_channel_end
do a siteini.pack update,your not using the latest ini.
Im using this SiteINI: V2022.05.05_161501
check again,i just did a update and latest sky.com.ini is..
* @Revision 20 - [25/04/2022] Blackbear199
* category rewrite
Yes sky.com.ini is 25/04/2022, but Im using uk-sky.com, but dont worry... I found in the new siteinipack this file "radiotimes.com.channels.Sky HD - London.xml"
And this file contain "Talk TV HD" channel: talkTV HD
Despite displaying this message (working):
!! -- WARNING : radiotimes.com doesn't allow epg grabbing !!
it is advised to disable this channel / site from your channel list
Thank u Blackbear199
uk-sky.com and sky.com are the same site.
uk-sky.com is the old site,ur lucky this ini even works.its 4 years old.
i just did apps.sat.tv with update c no issues.
for any ini open it as i explained above and read the remarks section.
or...look in the country folder that the ini is in as there may be a txt file.
if there is no file or comments in the remarks update c should work.
users need to lean how to do this,we tried to make it as easy as possible.
channel lists change all the time and its not feasible for us to keep them updated.