You are here ignores entries with description prefix in brackets (D) or (L) etc

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jksmurf's picture
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 2 years ignores entries with description prefix in brackets (D) or (L) etc appears to completely ignore show entries with a programme description prefix in brackets (D) or (L) etc

e.g. the listings in bold (below) don't show up at all; the show in italics does.

Is anyone able to modify the ini so it doesn't scrub these entries please?

I'm happy for the prefix to be removed (if possible), just not the whole show!




03:00 PM

(D) World Rugby

The International Rugby Board's weekly television Programme, containing an exciting mix of features and action

03:30 PM

(L) Super Rugby 2016: Blues vs Waratahs

LIVE: Coverage of the 21st season of the Super Rugby featuring an expanded 18 team format.

05:35 PM

Setanta Sports Extra

Sporting news and features from around the globe.

05:40 PM

(L) Super Rugby 2016: Reds vs Rebels

LIVE: Coverage of the 21st season of the Super Rugby featuring an expanded 18 team format.

07:40 PM

(D) NRL 2016: Dragons vs Titans

Round 19. Watch every game of the NRL season exclusively on Setanta Sports.


jksmurf's picture
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Last seen: 2 years

Works a treat! Brilliant!

Thanks Blackbear199

jksmurf's picture
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Will need to try tomorrow, very late here! Thanks 

I have but not ustvnow?


jksmurf's picture
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 2 years

i think there still a bug in the webgrab.exe

the issue is only with some time formats so dont disable the stop scrub in all your ini,only the ones you see the error for.

Interesting. I haven't tried the change yet on nowtv, but there are some schedules for which where I have had to use teh tiem correction software.

I wonder if this is realted to the same bug, I include all my inis for reference, before and after the 55.27pre exe (no change expected in error messages as as I haven't amended the scrub line as yet). NowBBWebGrabOut.xml is the time corrected file of NowBBWebGrab.xml generated by WebGrab+.


<!-- This file specifies the channels to be 'time' corrected by xmltv_time_correct.exe Syntax of this file: <channel time_error="+1">channel-name</channel> - time_error : the number of (decimal)hours the channel is 'off', (so, if you want all shows of a channel 1 hour later in the output xmltv file, specify time_error="-1", for 1:30 minutes earlier, specify time_error="1.5") - channel-name, the xmltv_id as in webgrab++.config.xml of the channel you want to correct Examples: -->

<channel time_error="+8">Fox Sports</channel>
<channel time_error="+8">Fox Sports 2</channel>
<channel time_error="+8">Setanta Sports Channel</channel>
<channel time_error="-8">Setanta Sports Astro</channel>
<channel time_error="+8">Deutsche Welle Asia</channel>


jksmurf's picture
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Hi Blackbear199

Thanks once agaion for your help and patience. I dropped in your updated nowTV ini and ran it. 

Seems to work* fine and Logs (and XMNLs pre and post time adjusting) attached with a lot of 

"    skipped : show that happened before 'today' @ 14/07/2016" entries

Logs attached.

One bugbear I have is that for Fox Sports the TV times shown using XMLTV EPG Viewer are out of whack with what shows (correctly) in NPVR.

I cannot fathom this. XMLTV EPG Viewer works fine on all other Channels. Bit frustrating when trying to get channels times and dates sorted out.


jksmurf's picture
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these are completely normal.they are shows that are from yesterday(the day before your first day).one way to tell is by the times...

OK Ta. I think one o fthe issues was a very long shows (Golf) which started the day before or went the day after, so didn't show up at all; on Fox Sports only. The Fox Sports 2 and 3 had shorter shows. It seems to now have corrected.

I am still puzzled by timezones, all my inis (bar one) have timezone=Asia/Hong_Kong (where I live) but I have correct them all with +8 using xmltv_time_correct.exe. Seems odd that I need to do that, I would have thought it would work without corrections.


jksmurf's picture
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Blackbear199 wrote:

in this case u should'nt use xmltv_time_correct,what would be better is wg2mp.exe,it was made for this adjust the start/stop time by the time offset and removes the time offset.

I tried WG2MP but it doesn't seem to like my input files - no change. So I guess I will be sticking with xmltv timecorrect for now as it works for me, while WG2MP just doesn't want to know.

Blackbear199 wrote:

you can remove firstshow=1 from the site{..} line.its there from a previous version of the ini and its not needed with the current revision.

Thanks Blackbear199

Updated the ini by removing firstshow=1 as suggested - will see how it goes but seems good so far - I assume the inis on the server on WebGrab+ get updated too?




jksmurf's picture
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 2 years

Ah, I see - clear now, thanks. Yes, I use |timezone=Asia/Hong_Kong| which I thought made the +08:00 change, but which I actually have to do again using xmltv_time_correct. Will slowly go through and revert this back to |timezone=UTC|, and test it with WG2MP.

Surely if this is the case though, all inis could just use |timezone=UTC|, and whatever magic code that is in WG2MP could be appended to WebGrab+ and run from there as a standard setup, rather than using what seems a post-processing option?


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