I just found the site and thanks to all of you I amanged to create a custom EPG for my channels. Thanks!!
From what I can see, cosmote.gr.ini brings the title of the program and the logo of the channel but not the description of the program (not so much of an issue!). However the biggest issue is how the titles appear. If there are is more than one word in the title, then all the words are compressed with no spaces in between. For example: ADog'sBreakfast and ΟλικήΈκλειψη(TheEclipse) (first is the title in Greek and then in English in the parenthesis).
Is there any chance we can fix this!! The description is not that a big of an issue but if it can be implemented it would be great!
I'm using V1.57 on Windows 10
Hello Blackbear and thank you for replying to all me requests!
I find the .ini in the last post of the topic you mentioned, "cosmote.gr-new_0.ini
Using the Documentation page, I tied to create a new channels.xml for the above .ini but no channels are generated. I followed the 4 steps in the documentation.
1. Enable the ceation of channels in the .ini
2. Add a dummy channel on config file with timespan set to 0:
But no channels are created. I'm doing something wrong? Sorry again for all the trouble!
I corrected the urldate as you told me to, however I couldn't generate the new channels xml file. I was always getting a time out error. I tried 3-4 times and then I used your file.
Then I proceed to create a test xmltv file with one channel and for 2 days period. A couple of times it would time out (4 times) and exit after the first i.
In a coupe other tries, it get the first i, time out 3 times, get the next i, time out 3 times, and then get the n for the program entries.
It might be a problem with the site, but I can access it just fine through the browser. It might be a temporary thing. I will test it again tomorrow. However, the generated xmltv file seems to be a lot more informative and the problem with the squeezed words is no longer there!
Hello again!
I tried increasing the timeout and I am still getting those timeout erros :( I navigate to the "url_index{url ... }" url with a valid date in the |urldate| variable and I managed to get the program info for the day. It took a couple of minutes until my browser finished loading... Is there chance/way I can store locally those html files with the program data, so the grabbing will be faster?
Should I continue asking those questions in this topic: http://www.webgrabplus.com/content/date-complications ? Because it's about the revised version of cosmote.ini
I just copy, paste and save the programs of the day from the url as an xml file. I couldn't include it here becuase it's bigger than 2MB. So for example if I save 4 days can I then grab the data from the local files somehow? I now I'm asking for too much but the grabbing usually takes more than 1 hour. 1 time took me 3 hours to finish. So far only 1 time it started and finished with no problems (no timeouts at all). It migh be a problem with their server and the requests. This the file that I created: https://ufile.io/cf759
Sorry again for all the trouble and all those questions...
Hello again!!
So, because of those timeout errors I was wondering about the local files for grabbing. I started reading through the Documentation file to figure out if I can do it my self, and I asked you as well if it's possible. While reading I came accross the <mode> setting in the xml file. And there was an option to use wget (w) as a grabbing engine.
So the last couple days I tried to create multiple xmltv files on different hours through the day and I noticed that the w method works great. It usually gives me one or twoo timeout errors for the first channel but then everything works just fine. Not other errors until it's done. I don't know I might be lucky so far, or the problem in general was on the site/servers, I don't know, but this method works just fine.
I don't know what's the actuall difference between an empty <mode> element and the w method, but so far it works fine. I will try it for a few days just to be sure!
Also, again, thank you for your help on how to use local files for grabbing. I will totally try it out. I guess it will be faster?
Thank you very much Blackbear for all your help!! (I noticed I can't contact you through PM!!!)
I tried the local grabbing but it didn't worked :(
It seems that it doesn't recognise the file:// command. I search in the documentation and I didn't find anything.
Also I noticed something wierd in the log, regarding my previous, post! The log says this: "wget in the configuration <mode>, not supported anymore!". So using w as option basically make no difference? :)
Yes, I added the full path. Maybe it'sbecause it's not formated as an xml file? Maybe I should try saving it with another extension? I added (debug) in the url_index, as you said in another topic, and the log shows this:
It shouldn't be the full path to the xml file? e.g. C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\cosmote_gr_21-09-2016.xml . Because if the grabbing is made from the original source, the debug shows the full URL.
As for the wget, it suprises me! When I read about it in the documentation and used it for the grab, the grabbing started and finished with no timeout errors! If a went back to the default grabbing method, it started giving me timeout erros!! Maybe it was just the timing? I don't know!!! :) However from what I can see, the last testing grabs that I made, finished with no timeout errors!
Ok, I found my mistake. I didn't have the url string. Mine was like this: url_index{file://..} . Because it was a local file, I didn't include the url string.
Now I see something else! It goes through the grabbing but come back empty.
Also, I don't have the ini that you say: merge-xmltv-utc.ini. I did a clean install of WebGrab again (1.57) just to be sure, but I don't have it. Is this an ini that I must create manually? Should I use this one, that you posted here: http://www.webgrabplus.com/comment/7463#comment-7463 ?
For the xml file that I created, I took the url_index from the ini and the corresponding day at the end. Wait for the page to finish loading, and then copy the contents, paste them and save them as an xml file.
Ok, so I created a folder to my Google Drive and I uploaded there all the files that I use:
Here what I noticed. After I made the change in the local.ini with the showsplit and the first time the grabbing for one channel took 11 seconds. Then I change the config file to make the grabbing from online. The online grabbing took 18 seconds, with one timeout error.
Then I tried to re-grab in order to save the log files for you and the local grabbing didn't work right!!! For every new show read and added it had to wait until the 4th timeout error and then proceed with the next n. Like this: in, timeout 4 times, n, timeout 4 times, n, until it finished. So I experiment little with the timeouts and retries, and set it like this: <retry time-out="0">1</retry> . The grabbing took 1 second and the result for one channel the same as the online grabbing: 20 new shows.
I will try experimenting more, with more channels and days and let you know if you want.
This the link to my Drive: link
I just noticed that the url_index in the ini it's a https link (I'm not sure if I changed it). Maybe thats the problem of the timeouts while grabbing online? If it's changed to http might work better?
I tested the https and http link "theory" and it doesnt' work. Still getting timeout errors.
Also the local grabbing works with multiple channels and days. BUT it doesn't get the channel's logo neither the description of the program. More, you were right about the generated file from the url_index. If we take that url and add the date we want the local grabbing will not be as complete as the online grabbing. The data generated from the url+date, doesn't include extra stuff such as program description. And program titles along with their description is what makes an EPG a GOOD epg!!! :)
Unless you have something else in mind that might work. I know I spend a lot of your time, sorry for that. I don't think that there is something we can do about the timeout errors. From what I can see it depends on the site?? I don't know. With a list of 90 channels in my generated epg, it took me from 1 hour (with no cosmote timeout erros) up to 3 hours (with almost every single channel and program timeout).
Honestly, thank you very much for your time. I don't know if it's possible to donate some money to you for your help! For a beer or two!! :)
Yes I checked the other greek ini's and cosmote has the best one. Actually, if you combine novaguide.gr and cosmote.gr you will get the majority of Greek channels (all the nationals, almost all with subscriptions, and a few local channels from different regions in Greece). For my needs, I could make the epg with half channels from cosmote and the other half from novaguide (also a few from tvguide.cablenetcy.net* for Cypriot channels)
Yes I also search for other "tv schedule" greek sites, however most of them only have guides for the national channels, and their guides for subscription based tv services (Nova and Cosmote) comes directly from cosmote and novaguide! So no other sites to grab from!!! :)
I know that you're not a Greek speaker and that you make your best to help, not only me, but all the users of this forum. That's why in almost every post that I'm replying to you I always thank you for your time and effort. I don't know if you use this site as part of your income, but even if not, you still do a great job. And again, thank you for all your time and effort!!! Regarding this site, I can reply to the OP that made the revised version of the ini, he might be able to figure out why those constand timeout errors occur. If he/she is still active on the site.
But if you want, in case I find something, I can submit it here in order to create an ini.
*Note for Cyprus: On WGP we have 3 options. cyta.com.cy, tvguide.cablenetcy.net and primetel.com.cy . For my needs, I use cablenet becuase most of their channels/programs have a description. Alternative, I can use cyta.com.cy. Primetel's guide is not that reliable. That's for my needs and my opinion!!!
It seems that you disable your PM, so I can't contact you directly. If you can, please contact me through PM!!! :)
I tried vodafone, but I don't understand how you created the channels.xml with those values. I tried Fox Life. In the ini and in the website its value is 276007, but in the channels.xml file is site_id="383". Because, at least for Fox Life that 383 value I think is wrong. The listed programs are from "Motorvision" which is site_id="514" in the channels.xml.
Also regarding the show above ΒΟΥΛΗ, how many days did you choose to grab? I tested another channel (ERT3) which its show started before midnight and finished after midnight, but grabbed for 2 days, and the grabbing was ok.
Seriously, those couple of days testing and trying to understand whats going on was really stressed and confusing for me!! Imagine for you!
Actually, you explained everything just fine!! :) Yes I saw that the reference number was the same through the site but I couldn't understand where you got the id!!! I just test it with the change of date (I'm using Firefox's developers tools), and now I can see the id along with the EPOCH time for every change of date!!
Also clever thing this with the 2 part for the channel creation!! Better than manual, like you said!!! I will test again with the updated version of the files. And yes, it gives you good info about the program!! :)
So for channels logos in this ini, must be complicate I guess. Because of the whole reference/actual ids. E.g. Fox Life
Regarding cosmote, if the grabbing is finished the results are great there too, with a lot of info for some channels. However, its like gabling!! You never know if its going to start and finish with no errors!! For example last night (01:00 GMT+3) I started a testing grabbing with quite a few channels and from what I remember only 1 or 2 gave me a timeout error. Usually the first one timed out. Yes I read the topic of the revised version and the author mentions something about false programs and stuff like that!!
Ankont, did some changes (more updated) to cosmote and nova inis and posted the updated files here (relpy #30):
Both inis work just fine. Especially cosmote is better than the previous version of Ankont and it doens't has timeout errors (at least I didn't get any so far)
the category and episode scrub isn't working for novaguide.gr.ini.
I have made some tests myself and the only state that works somewhat ok is when I uncommend all episode lines (as well as the cleanup filters) and only leave one line active:
category.scrub {debug,single(separator=" - " include=first)|<span class="content">||<a href|<a href}
It needs some modifications because it leaves a lot of time data instead of the actual category and episode as the novaguide.gr.ini file is right now (the one from the official epg download section).