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bug? removed last char in description

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mrspock's picture
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bug? removed last char in description

Hi. I'm back to ini development for Spain after a couple of years using that ini's. Now, them have stopped working due to web changes.

I started with (thanks to Francis, Jan, Willy, Netuddki, Blackbear199). What I found is something that already happened in the past:

When scrubbing the description of a show, the last character is missing in the desc label. It happens with all the descriptions of all shows in all channels.

In the web page, we can see, for example:

Real Madrid TV hace un seguimiento especial del equipo blanco. El programa describe los momentos previos y posteriores al partido a través de entrevistas y reportajes.

In HTML is:

<p>Real Madrid TV hace un seguimiento especial del equipo blanco. El programa describe los momentos previos y posteriores al partido a través de entrevistas y reportajes.</p>

In the desc label, we obtain:

    <desc lang="es">Real Madrid TV hace un seguimiento especial del equipo blanco. El programa describe los momentos previos y posteriores al partido a través de entrevistas y reportajes</desc>

Notice that the last character (".", dot) is missing.

Description is scrubbed using multi, but the missing char is just the last one of the complete description (internal dots are kept). Removing cleanup gets the same:

description.scrub {multi|<div itemprop="description"|<p>|</p>|</div>}
description.modify {cleanup}

I am attaching my ini and xml used (but the published had the same problem).

Is this a bug of the desc scrubbing or is it something that is not done correctly?



mrspock's picture
Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 4 years


I've just noticed that there is a little link in the download page pointing to new beta versions... I've downloaded V2.1.5 and tried it.

In any case, the issue with V2.1 was not the cleanup command. I removed the 'description.modify {cleanup}' and the period was still missing. 

The good news are that V2.1.5 solves the issue. Both with cleanup or without cleanup, the final period is there.​ yes

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