I've been trying to sort out this problem by editing the vg.no site ini, but have sadly been unable to get my head around it.
I mainly use the norwegian VG.no site grabber, but I'm having the problem that episode numbers (and rerun flags) are appended to the title, which causes series recordings to fail.
I've appended example source data from vg.no and the corresponding xmltv output.
VG.no output:
{"broadcast_id":100115120344,"channel_id":1001,"program_id":14710705,"timestamp_start":1474873500,"timestamp_end":1474877100,"duration":60,"genre_id":7,"subgenre_id":3030000,"rerun":1,"live":0,"premiere":0,"title":"Lindmo","title_original":"Lindmo","title_episode":"","title_episode_original":"","synopsis_short":"Norsk talkshow fra 2016.","synopsis_medium":"Anne Lindmo i godt selskap med et stort publikum, levende musikk og aktuelle gjester.","synopsis_long":"","synopsis_episode":"Det er klart for ny l\u00f8rdagsfest hos Anne Lindmo med OL-medaljegrossist og sv\u00f8mmer Sarah Louise Rung, komiker Lene Kongsvik og artist Hilde Louise Asbj\u00f8rnsen. I tillegg kommer Trond Henriksen, mannen som en gang ble beskrevet som Norges farligste mann for \u00e5 fortelle om sin historie sammen med fengselsleder i Halden fengsel, Are H\u00f8idal. Kveldens artist er Jarle Bernhoft som fremf\u00f8rer sin rykende ferske l\u00e5r \u0022We Have a Dream\u0022.","episode_number":5,"episode_end_number":14,"production_year":2016,"series_id":1001178394,"series_season":0,"maturity_rating":0,"movie_id":0,"cast":[{"person_id":38861,"name":"Anne Lindmo","character":"","role":"HOST"}],"images":[{"image_id":185508,"image_url":"http:\/\/imbo.vgc.no\/users\/tvguiden\/images\/91ccce97a11f285f56a5725ab8b46f65.jpg?t%5B0%5D=maxSize%3Awidth%3D640%2Cheight%3D480\u0026t%5B1%5D=compress%3Alevel%3D70\u0026accessToken=d05060068425c6cbbc593e7f15f448073899279957a89ab2ed539bc9a084dfa4"},{"image_id":185509,"image_url":"http:\/\/imbo.vgc.no\/users\/tvguiden\/images\/c92ec6e90382082ed774f33ea0ac35b4.jpg?t%5B0%5D=maxSize%3Awidth%3D640%2Cheight%3D480\u0026t%5B1%5D=compress%3Alevel%3D70\u0026accessToken=124d4d788c995dc47d7a18262615ce930d271adc92f3c99a4519fb5c745cab13"}]}
XMLTV output:
<programme start="20160926090500 +0200" stop="20160926100500 +0200" channel="NRK2"> <title lang="nb">Lindmo (5) (R)</title> <title lang="xx">Lindmo</title> <desc lang="nb">Norsk talkshow fra 2016. Anne Lindmo i godt selskap med et stort publikum, levende musikk og aktuelle gjester. Det er klart for ny lørdagsfest hos Anne Lindmo med OL-medaljegrossist og svømmer Sarah Louise Rung, komiker Lene Kongsvik og artist Hilde Louise Asbjørnsen. I tillegg kommer Trond Henriksen, mannen som en gang ble beskrevet som Norges farligste mann for å fortelle om sin historie sammen med fengselsleder i Halden fengsel, Are Høidal. Kveldens artist er Jarle Bernhoft som fremfører sin rykende ferske lår "We Have a Dream".</desc> <credits> <presenter>Anne Lindmo</presenter> </credits> <category lang="nb">Film</category> <date>2016</date> <episode-num>E5</episode-num> </programme>
I think possibly the problem is that the grabber is taking the concatenated title from the index page rather than the title from the detailed description, but when I tried changing:
title.modify {addstart|'index_title'}
title.modify {addstart|'title'}
something happens with the linking to the detailed description, so I get a lot of (?) tags instead.
Is it possible to somehow make this work so the episode numbers are not added to the show title?
It would also be great to have the repeat flag relocated if there are fields for this in XMLTV, although I haven't really started looking into this.
PS: Thank you for a great piece of software!
Best regards,
Ah, I see, I was thinking since it was putting a title in I would have got the right value, but since it automatically falls back that makes sense.
Thanks a lot for the help, the new ini did the trick, and next time I fiddle around with it I will hopefully understand a little bit more:)
As for the repeat flag it is not really a worry, as to the end user it is usually not important whether something is a repeat, just that it hasn't been recorded previously - with the episode numbers my recorder is capable of handling this fairly well:)
Best regards,