I am using version 5.3 on Windows 11. I am trying to get a channel list for zip code 32092 off of tvguide.
I have followed what other people do using a zip code but the guide only returns programme information, not channel information.
Can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
As per siteini remarks See the "how to" attached
you need to run c3...(with dummy) to get providers, then run c4 with one line from c3 xml to get final channel list. Then run you channels with update f to get epg
Thank you for your responses.
when you write,"So i run c3-32092 and channel line". What do you mean as channel line? Is that part of the code on the update line?
Where is the file "tvguide.com.channels.32092.xml" located? Is it in the \AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus folder. The only new file I receive after hitting run is guide.xml.
Thank you.