VER: WebGrab+Plusw MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V2.1.11.0 on Windows 10
Existing Webgrab ini from circa 2014
Was working fine, log now says repeatedly:
"[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 15/03/2020 06:00:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 15/03/2020 07:00:00
Assistance much appreciated
Updated siteini.pack
Thank you very much!
Will give it a try tonight, much appreciated.
Most of the shows here are OK, however there are some notable exceptions.
I include screenshots of some of these but in general they include:
(i) A number Prefix to a show series e.g. "22 Lethal Weapon #22" should just be "Lethal Weapon #22". I think what is happening is there is a Chinese Version followed by the English text but only the Chinese text gets stripped out.
(ii) Introductory or Advert-based Show Prefixes e.g. "Weekend Blockbuster:" or "Signature Monday:"
When I used TVxB (a very old, now deprecated xml stripper) it used to have a LeftClip and RightClip function (amongst others) which allowed you to stripd out all the text to the left or to the right of the first or last character or string you chose.e.g. above I would use either of the two strings. It also had a "text" substitution option. I include an ini file from that Program in the zip so you can see what I mean.
I am not sure if Web Grab Plus has a post-processing option so these could be added by the user as they changed (rather than to the ini, so it didn't have to be udpated all the time)?
Thanks for any help!
Hi, was wondering if the devs had a chance to have a wee look at the issues with the titles on this one please?
Thanks a lot
1. update siteini.pack (yes was a leftover)
2. WG works different from other grabbers and some stuff like those modifications are probably easier to apply with a script (if they are static and recurring) as also set in tvbx with that postcommand. My personal opinion is a waste of time and efforts, example:
substitution=Season of Love :,
substitution=Season of Love:,
substitution=(The Open University of Hong Kong Special:),
substitution=(The Open University of Hong Kong Special: ),
Do you really need that ? If i would read with attention an epg guide I wouldn't even notice the difference, but again i am not so addicted to so little particulars. Anyway as per documentation rex can:
• Move the content of xmltv elements to other xmltv elements
• Merge the content of several xmltv elements
• Add comments/prefix/postfix text
• Remove or create xmltv elements
• Do some cleanup operations and element content limitations
Not sure if it is applicable to such small details.
Hi Mat
Thank you very much for having a look at the issues which are probably in some part, unique to dual language EPG sites. The author of TVxB actually lived where I live for while and recgonised the unique issues, which is probably why he developed these additional ways to parse and strip and substitute text. Actually for me it is important to have the details right as my PVR (NextPVR) schedules automatic recordings based on show names and gets all the metadata as well, so the show needs to have the correct text.
I had a look at the but the ability to easily left clip or right clip (eitehr the first or last instance), or to simply substitute text does not seem immediately apparent using Rex. I may be wrong here, but Rex apears to act more on the entire element rather than just the text?
I appreciate this is fairly intensive but the sites does not change that often and as as user I would be more than willing to go into the EPG myself, try to spot the anomalies and correct the small details using the simple tools in TVxB. The substitution examples above are simply catching both instances, one with a space after and without a space after the colon.
If you could show me how Rex or even suggest some other scripting mechanism that would allow me to make these changes, I'd appreciate it.