I want to parser EPG from a website which need to login first.
I use customheader as a base64 string like this:
url_preload.headers {customheader=Authorization=Basic R1RUVihJUCk6ODY3YTFkYWMzMGQyYzYzNjk2YWM3NzZlODY4NTIwYTQ5NDE5ZTkyOQ==}
but Webgrabplus just send "Basic R1RUVihJUCk6ODY3YTFkYWMzMGQyYzYzNjk2YWM3NzZlODY4NTIwYTQ5NDE5ZTkyOQ".
How can I send "==" characters?
Thank your response.
When I use "%3D%3D" in customheader, I get it in the request packet. It cannot pass the authentication.
"Authorization: Basic R1RUVihJUCk6ODY3YTFkYWMzMGQyYzYzNjk2YWM3NzZlODY4NTIwYTQ5NDE5ZTkyOQ%3D%3D"
Accroding to "APPENDIX E",
preload cannot support modify
Thank your help.
POST http://gtapi.wowotv.tw/gttv-api_v2/token/get?uuid=
preload request packet ==>
Host: gtapi.wowotv.tw
Accept: */*
Version: 201
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Language: zh-Hant-JP;q=1, en-JP;q=0.9
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Platform: IPhone
IMEI: 9856cf780c45e7f2a9034c3d15ae39c6b8ab8760
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: NewGttv/2.3 (iPhone; iOS 12.0; Scale/3.00)
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Model: iPhone 6s+
preload response packet <==
"data": {
"accessToken": "hKOgY8lWaXowWw8IxtfL3rCD4iLkjNf1",
"expiresIn": 3600000,
"scope": "default"
"message": "??Token??",
"status": 200
index request packet:
POST http://gtapi.wowotv.tw/gttv-api_v2/program/list
Host: gtapi.wowotv.tw
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
User-Agent: NewGttv/2.3 (iPhone; iOS 12.0; Scale/3.00)
Accept-Language: zh-Hant-JP;q=1, en-JP;q=0.9
Authorization: Bearer hKOgY8lWaXowWw8IxtfL3rCD4iLkjNf1
Content-Length: 42
index response packet <==
Thank you!!!
It is a good idea to use php as an webgrab agent.
And thank your example.