Hi all,
Against previous ecperience and advices, I'm finding imdb to be a lot more successful than tvdb in series matching !
Even with shows like "friends"...tvdb doesn't get a match (it gets found show_id numbers but no match in tvdb.com in the log file) while imdb_series does get a match for the show and the episode!!
Is there something wrong or a change to be done because usually tvdb was faster and more accurate.
I'm using latest versions of all files.
Thanks for any advice.
The 'advanced search' provided by thetvdb.com (which we use) is not really so advanced. It return far too many 'candidates' that won't match. This is especially true for simple search strings like 'Friends". (The more words in the search string the more accurate it will be). The current tvdb.ini limits trying to find a match for the first 50 candidates. With Friends often the match might be in a candidate higher that 50.
Today I have increased the number to 100. It will be placed online tomorrow. Try again. IMDb doesn't have that problem because the imdb search is a lot more accurate.
In general the matching with tvdb is slightly better and faster than with imdb. I tried again today.