Unfortunately the source websites for Taiwanese guide data have been offline as of late; I was previously using tbc.net.tw but it's been offline for weeks now. Would it be possible to create a siteini for http://www.niotv.com ?
Here is a link to guide data but the channels are separated by category without an option to see all channels at once: http://www.niotv.com/i_index.php?cont=day
Here is a parent page with all channels listed: http://www.niotv.com/i_index.php?cont=ch_home_page, although the links are to official websites and not listings.
got it, please wait
Thanks in advance! I updated my first post with a better link to the guide data, although the channels are separated by category.
yes i saw it was wrong
Great, thank you for the xml.
After you're able to finish an ini for this site, you may want to remove the two existing Taiwan sites in the siteini pack. They're both unusable.
Any update on the siteini?
Sorry for the delay, is in china folder.