Customize Rev 1 and higher jan van Straaten 25/06/2014 1. in internet browser * enter url : * login or sign-up * select 'local listings for:' set your prefs, save changes * export cookie to in the WG++ homefolder 2. in ini , * below : ** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the file) * enable the lines starting with url and index_site (2*) * disable the line (somewhere at the top) : url_index.headers {customheader=X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest} 3. in config * add dummy 4. run 5. * inspect and * copy the channels you want in your config file * delete the dummy channel in the config file 6. in ini * disable the lines that where enabled in 2. and enable the one that was disabled * adjust the value for timezone=US/Pacific (e.g. US/Eastern US/Central US/Mountain US/Alaska etc) 7. ready to run