I think the astro.com.my ini needs an update as the shows that I know should be on do not seem to be coming up.
Could someone check? Has the website format changed?
Thank you!
No it does actually produce data from Astro but it's incorrect, like its using some other incorrect source.
its not anything like a time offset, I already checked that. Sure no worries Sunday would be fine.
Your'e a wizard Blackbear199, thank you very, very much, once again bang on.
Works a treat and didn't have to time correct this one either.
Just a query though, out of interest more than anything as it works fine, I notice the url in the ini uses a fixed IP address, which is unusual, as I thought using the website resolves to whatever IP is assigned to the website (in case it changes?).
Hi all i get is this
Unable to update channel Astro SuperSport 3 HD
Generic syntax exception:
no index page data received from Astro SuperSport 3 HD
unable to update channel, try again later
No guide data to restore
Can someone update astro.com.my?
[ Info ] ( 56/94 ) ASTRO.COM.MY -- chan. (xmltv_id=Astro SuperSport HD) -- mode Force
[Warning ] no robots data found
[Warning ] skipped robots check
[Error ] Unable to update channel Astro SuperSport HD
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical] message:
[Error ] no index page data received from Astro SuperSport HD
[Error ] unable to update channel, try again later
[ Info ] No guide data to restore
whatson.astro.com.my seems not to be working - and the ini does not have the whatson part ?
Could someone have a go at this please?