You are here - channel icons partly broken

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Last seen: 5 years - channel icons partly broken


You do set the channel logo based on the ID of the channel:

index_urlchannellogo.modify {set|'index_variable_element'.png}

But some channel logo file names are different. Is it possible to crawl the channel index and set the icon based on it?


tvtvid: "16005",
sname: "Sky1HD",
lname: "Sky1HD",
logo: "16005_4084.png",
copy: "(C) Sky1HD",
kdgChannelId: "901",
channelNumber: "901",
cat: "1",
group: [
chCategory: [
recordingAvailable: true,
recordingRestricted: false,
svod_channel: "",
ishd: true

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 1 year

Hi versuche mal die ini mit channel xml. Ich habe damit keine Probleme, aber vielleicht habe ich dein Problem noch nicht richtig verstanden. Du mussst hier aber noch die Zusätze( Actor, produce Datum) wieder an machen, ich brauche das alles nicht.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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Last seen: 53 min

yes flyier u mis understood what he's asking.

what he is trying to say is this..

some channels dont just use the channel id for the logo.

example,the one he gave above..

tvtvid: "16005",
sname: "Sky1HD",
lname: "Sky1HD",
logo: "16005_4084.png",

then one that channel id only..

tvtvid: "1",
sname: "Das Erste",
lname: "Das Erste",
logo: "1.png",

so the logo for Das Earste wud work but the one for Sky1HD would be incorrect with the current ini.

the easy way to fix this is to scrub the logo id instead of the channel id in channel xml creation.

so for..

Sky1HD ====> 16005_4084
Das Easte => 1

then the channel id only wud need to be separated(16005 for Sky1HD) and used in the url index in scope.range=urlindex at the top of the ini.

for the logo the whole site_id(config_site_id) value can be used for the logo.

also in ur ini i dont know why ur doing what ur doing.

index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=F1)|'config_timespan_days' 144 *}

this is another thing your completely mis understanding or looking for trouble.

the value your looking for this to return is a decimal number like 0.0,1.0,2.0,ect for that converted in the next line..

index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=timespan,days)}

the result u want to see are..

0:0:0 ==> 0 days
1:0:0 ==> 1 day
2:0:0 ==> 2 days

this value is added to the urldate to calculate the correct end date.

look at what ur doing,ur multiplying the config_timespan_days value by 144

so ur getting..

0:0:0 ==> 0 days
144:0:0 > 144 days
288:0:0 > 288 days

i dont even know why or how the ini is working like that as a date range that far apart for a start and stop date in the url_index would break 99% of any other ini.

now to add to the confusion,what i said above applied to wg version <
jan refers to this as the legacy(or old) way we did this.

with the latest 2.1.9 its done differently,u can do both on one step..

index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=timespan,days)|'config_timespan_days'}

this will return..

0:0:0 ==> 0 days
1:0:0 ==> 1 day

there is a legacy mode built into wg 2.1.9 also for ini that were done using the old method so its important that the

* @MinSWversion: Vxxxx

is set correctly in the top of the ini

* @MinSWversion: V2.1.5 ==> the timespan,days calculation would be done the first way i descibed.
* @MinSWversion: V2.1.9 ==> the timespan,days calculation would be done the second way i described.

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 5 years

Thanks to both of you

Blackbear199 wrote:

the easy way to fix this is to scrub the logo id instead of the channel id in channel xml creation.

That would be easy but doesn't that break the json url?


|channel| = channel id

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 53 min

yes,i said this above.

so in the scope.range{(urlindex)|end} at the top of the ini u would do something like..

global_temp_3.modify {substring(type=regex)|'config_site_id' "^(\d+)"}
url_index.modify {replace|##channel##|'global_temp_3'}

then on the url_index line replace |channel| with ##channel##

so in the cae of sky1hd it wud get the first set of number or in das earste whatever is there for the channel id.

for the logo just change 'index_variable_element' to 'config_site_id' as u can add it directly.

in case ur wondering what "^(\d+)" does

^ start at the bebinning
(\d+) get anything(capture) anything thats a number

for sky1hd it wud stop at the underscore
for das earste it wud get everything

if u did "(\d+)" with out the ^

it wud get both sets of numbers for the channel id for sky1hd and break the url_index line.

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