Hello i was wondering f you could please update or make me an ini. please
Boths files would be for Mexico.
i found one that s called mi.tv2 it works on some channels but n others it has the wrong info of EPG
also i got my hands on mexico.yo.tv but some of em doesnt show any data for EPG (also theres alot of missing channels) , and the ones that work dont show any description of the movie or program being played..
P.S. i would love one that shows description of whats beng played
Thanks in advance <3
Please fix mi.tv2 Argentina multi country epg ini.Same problem some of em doesnt show any data for EPG (also theres alot of missing channels)for example ESPN ,ESPN+ ESPN-2 ESPN 3 Argentina.mi.tv2.channels(all).xml @Site: mi.tv2
* @MinSWversion:
*@Revision 0 - [16/10/2017]
Thanks in advance
Thank Goran but try to use ESPN ,ESPN+ ESPN-2 ESPN 3 Argentina for example,no epg and alot of overlaps for FOX Argentina chanels
Alot of overlaps,this hapend one second, time incremental round for all Fox Argentina chanels.Send you a log were you cant find it.
Many thanks for your fast replay Goran
Thank Goran:try to reproduce the problem using - version V2.1.9
7 and UTC+2
First round:No ovelaps but many records of:(sub)detail title(s):
[ Debug ] suspicious title in index page
[ Debug ] Can't match any (sub)detail title(s) with any index title(s):
[ Debug ] index title(s):
For all chanels.
ESPN chanels no name for any event???in epg only channel name
Second incremental:Overlaps in all chanels
(sub)detail title(s):
[ Info ] forced update :
[ Info ] show REPLACED (forced update / overlap or timeorder error in EPG
[ Info ] show with ---- start = 09/06/2019 11:00:00 stop = 09/06/2019 23:00:00 title = ESPN + (?)
[ Info ] Replaces ----- start = 09/06/2019 11:00:00 stop = 09/06/2019 23:00:00 title = ESPN + (?)
[ Debug ] suspicious title in index page
[ Debug ] Can't match any (sub)detail title(s) with any index title(s):
[ Debug ] index title(s):
No event name for Espn chanels in 7 days long???Just channel name.
PD:You use mi.tv.ini -- Revision 02 I use default included in site.ini pack mi.tv2.channels(all).xml
@Site: mi.tv2
* @MinSWversion:
*@Revision 0 - [16/10/2017] 1NSdbZVbpZDX
Yes Goran for that reason Posted to fix that file and the one you use is not included in default siteini pack.You use mi.tv.ini -- Revision 02??? can you post that files.
New version in siteini.pack (International)