Since 1 Feb grabbing messed up titles field.
For example.
2/1 (Mon) 8:00 ~ 9:55 (115分)
<a class="linkArrowA" href="">この時間帯の番組表</a>
情報/ワイドショー - 芸能・ワイドショー
情報/ワイドショー - 暮らし・住まい
情報/ワイドショー - 健康・医療
Could dev please look into and correct it?
Best regards.
Yes, I concur. It needs an update. I will try to find the channels in another ini and post back here if I find one that works.
near the bottom you will see a bunch of .modify lines
the first one is..
title.modify {remove(type=regex)|"\[[^\]]*\]"}
add this before it..
title.modify {cleanup(tags="<a class""</a>")}
With this change.
2/14 (Sun) 10:30 ~ 11:00 (30分)
アニメ/特撮 - 国内アニメ
It is listing only time slot and no title.
MyJCOM is working fine but lack kansai free tv channels.
oops sorry.
this should be ok.
they also changed the site name from to
for now there is a redirect from old site to new.
just change the site="xxx" name in you webgrab config with a editor,everything else looks to have stayed the same.
also added the bs4k8k channels in case epg is different.
Thank you. All is working fine now.