Thanks for the great work with WG++ and the site files. I'm using the UK radiotimes.com.ini (V25) with WG++ 3.1 on Windows 7. There is an earlier post - see http://webgrabplus.com/content/radiotimes-uk-image-urls - that notes that the show icons on the index page are not reliable, often showing the "404TV" default instead of the actual icon. The show icon seems to be reliably available on the show details page. I can't see the ini contents but I assume there is an index_showicon.scrub line - taking this out and adding the line:
detail_showicon.scrub {single|<img class="episode-media__image"|src="|"/>|}
in the showdetails scope would probably fix it. For my usage having the video quality flag set would also be really good, perhaps by adding:
videoquality.scrub {single|"episode-formats">|"format" title="">|}
videoquality.modify {replace(notnull)|HD|HDTV}
again in the showdetails scope.
only thing i reccomend is not leaving your be(blockend) empty.
this causes webgrab to scrub everything from the page after bs(blockstart).
ur grabbing alot of unneeded data to then separate es(elementstart) and ee(elementend).
<img class="episode-media__image"|src="|"|>
doing this you dont need notnull as the only value the scrub will keep is HD,u can just replace it..
using multi instead of single also ensures the value of HD is found in case its not the first value scrubbed.
Version 26 with fix for showicons and premiere here https://github.com/SilentButeo2/webgrabplus-siteinipack/tree/master/site...
Thanks for the update and the tips for better ini constructs - I'll remember those for the future.