I would like to have as much EPG data available as possible. To enable this, I added a <timespan>99</timespan> and got up to 32 days loaded into my xmltv.xml. Woderful! To automate I created a cronjob which runs WebGrab every day with <update>i</update> at 10:00. As far as I understand this would always give me access to the next 32 days (I know this depends on select EPG source) and I can easily setup recording and go for up to four weeks in vacation.
But... it does not really work. My planned recording disappears infrequently and sometimes my xmltv.xml is corrupted.
What is wrong with my approach? Is it better to limit <timespan> to one day and create xmltv file for every day? How can I then configure a <skip>"n days</skip>?
Would be great if somebody can share experiences about to setup a automated WebGrab setup.
Normaly one would just set the PVR to grab the EPG (xmltv) data once a day or so. Grabbing for more then 7 or 14 days, is most of the time the maximum. Because the shedules can still change.
But if you have a source that has that much correct info, then it should work. Internaly WG++ has a limit set to probably 32 days or so.
If you have this settup, could you do a little debugging for us? Is it possible to just copy every guide.xml you create. So, we can maybe see what goes wrong.
That way, we could see if in the xmltv listings the programs are realy missing, or that something else is wrong.
Hi francis,
problem was related to the source I selected. I tried to grab at 05:00 in the morning and changing time to 10:00 solved problem (seems they're laoding data at 05:00 ).
Of course if you want me to do some debugging I will support you!