Hi guys, I am a complete beginner.
I am trying to create an EPG for DSTV South Africa. I have WebGrab installed and I'm in the process of editing the dstv.ini file. However, the instructions specify to:
"Open the dstv.com.ini file and scroll to the bottom to the channels.xml creation section and enable only this section..
** ##### COUNTRY CODE FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)"
I am using Notepad++, how do I enable/disable sections, I haven't a clue.
here: http://www.webgrabplus.com/documentation/configuration/sitechannelsxml
you can also do multi channel list, so c1 will create language, c2 provider and c3 channel list
for c2 use a a line from c1 (in config) and when you run c3 obiously you need a line from c2
I don't think my license allows me to do some things, I'm trying to follow the country guide for DSTV, but keeps saying license expired. I cannot extract the country code.
I have just donated though, so hopefully that will clear things up.
I'm trying to follow this, but getting nowhere with it:
How to create a channel.xml for a specific country
1. Goto http://guide.dstv.com/ and in the top right corner click on the flag and select your country.
2. Create a cookie file and name it dstv.com.cookies.txt.place it in the same directory as your webgrab++config.xml file.If you dont know how see here..
3. Open the dstv.com.ini file and scroll to the bottom to the channels.xml creation section and enable only this section..
** ##### COUNTRY CODE FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
4. Add this channel to your webgrab++config.xml..
5. Run webgrab,you will see a message about a irregular cookie file,you can ignore it.
6. Open the dstv.com.channels.xml and you will some something like below..in this case site_id="NG" is Nigeria which should be tthe same country you selected above.
Country Code
7.copy this line to your webgrab++config.xml and replace the one you used above.
8.disable the
** ##### BOUQUET FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
section and enable this section
** ##### COUNTRY BOUQUET ID FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
10. Run webgrab and open the dstv.com.channels.xml file you you should see a list of channel bouquets similar to below(list will vary depending on country,below is for Nigeria).
DStv Premium
DStv Compact
DStv Compact Plus
DStv Family
DStv Access
DStv French Touch
DStv French+
DStv Mobile
DStv Mobile DVBH
Great Wall Africa
11. Copy the bouquet line you with to get the channels for to your webgrab++config.xml and replace the line you used above.
12.disable the
** ##### COUNTRY BOUQUET ID FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
section and enable this section
** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
13. Run webgrab webgrab and open the dstv.com.channels.xml file and you should have a channel list for the country and channel bouquet you picked above.
14. Disable the ** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file).
15.Your done.
Like i said now you do not need to do enable and disable. You can set update c1-country and do a run....get a country line and run c2-Zambia....and so on. If you tell me which country i can do it for you.
Hi pal. Thank you for that. It’s South Africa DSTV. Really appreciate your help. If I have starting point files as a reference, I can learn from them too.
Still really struggling with this. Least I've donated now lol.
This is the webgrab xml I'm starting with. I obviously change my username and passwords etc. But I cannot update channels lists for DSTV south africa, and hence create a guide.
It also keeps saying my license has expired in the log.
I’ve sussed it. Get in. It’s currently creating a guide now.
Only thing it wouldnt do, was create a country code list for DSTV.com. Managed for tvguide.com as an example, but it wouldn’t for DSTV. No idea why.
here they are
Thanks pal. I’ve no idea why I couldn’t get a country list up. Works for other countries.
Creating a guide takes some time though eh lol
hi guys i have the following error:
DSTV.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=South Africa) -- skipped --> encrypted SiteIni
Can some one help?