say I have a french Siteini for Trace sports stars which has the correct time for my Timezone which internally would look like UTC +800
so the UTC+200 is correct but gets converted to my TZ which is UTC+800 ??? so ends up being out by several hours..
how do I KEEP the UTC+200 in hours. I don't want any internal conversion bcos it will end up being wrong
ok , got the right time programm lines up right on UTC+0:00 lol then the other channel on the same SiteIni was 1 hour early SO. gahh
copied that siteIni made a duplicate with different siteini.2.com.ini name and changed the UTC+1:00
so now both Trace Sports stars and Trace Urban have correct EPG wooh
oh any1 reading this ? can you make 5 minute adjustment by putting UTC+00:05 ? UTC+01:05
would that work , tnx