its not really a problem,the ini is just using the old way of setting the timezone.
we used to use UTC[-/+]xx:xx
now we usually use a location like i said above.
if the epg is correct then you can ignore this message.
i just checked the ini in the siteini.pack and the timezone is set to Europe/Zagreb
whatever your using is not the same ini or you changed it to UTC+00:00
Maybe a bit of a stupid question on my part - what do you mean when you say guide.xml ....... on WebGrab++.config.xml or on siteini pack and ?
I downloaded the new siteini pack and made changes to WebGrab++.config.xml
if you runned mts with timezone=Europe/Belgrade the output guide.xml or whatever you call the xml file, doesn't show changes if you run update "i", in few words if you change timezone to UTC delete the output file an run again. Another option if you want local time is to run xmltv_time_modify that will change it to local or whatever time you want.
Of course the correct time also depends from the player you use.
Step I:
1. in the WebGrab++.config.xml file, which I named Prpa-proba.xml, I entered 7 channels (RTV 1, RTV 2, Blic TV, SUPERSTAR 2 HD...) from siteini.pack Serbia - .xml file had timezone=Europe/Belgrade
2. I ran the Run executable
3. the received EPG had a shift of two hours, it was not correct
II step:
1. I changed timezone=UTC in the file
2. I restarted the specified WebGrab++.config.xml file without any changes
3. the result was the same as in step I and II
III and IV step - maybe it was necessary:
1. I deleted the update="i" command from the WebGrab++.config.xml file and started the Run command - once with timezone=Europe/Belgrade and the second time with timezone=UTC
2. the result was the same as in the first step
V step:
I didn't run the xmltv_time_modify.exe executable because I did it in one case a year or two ago and it didn't accomplish anything. If my memory serves me well, I corresponded with the author of that file in this regard
Did I make a mistake in steps I to IV?
It is confusing that the siteini pack has the correct EPG (except for the SUPERSTAR 2 HD channel which is completely wrong) while the new siteini.pack (without the letter E in the name) is incorrect - 2 hours offset. Unfortunately, does not have some of the channels that this newer one contains. doesn't exsist anymore it is now, same is for it is now . Before we analyze any problem, please run siteini.pack update, then if anything wrong let me know.
please reflect
Don't forget to update channel list.
I ran siteini.pack update and updated channel list. And compared with the github database.
From the following you can see that it doesn't matter whether I entered the timezone Europe/Belgrade (UTC+02) or UTC in the file. The EPG remains unchanged with an offset of 2 hours:
-programme start="20230730150000 +0200" stop="20230730160000 +0200" channel="SUPERSTAR 2"-
-title lang="sr"-Meri ubija ljude-/title
-desc lang="sr"-Dr Meri Haris je anđeo smrti. Meri radi u urgentnom centru, gde svakodnevno spasava ljudske živote, a posle radnog vremena pomaže smrtno obolelim pacijentima da život okončaju pod svojim uslovima. Njen dvostruki život postaje sve komplikovaniji i sve teži, dok pokušava da uskladi posao, porodicu i svoje nezakonite aktivnosti.(n)
category lang="sr"-Tv-serijali-/category
- -/programme-
-programme start="20230730150000 +0000" stop="20230730160000 +0000" channel="SUPERSTAR 2"-
-title lang="sr">Meri ubija ljude-/title-
-desc lang="sr"-Dr Meri Haris je anđeo smrti. Meri radi u urgentnom centru, gde svakodnevno spasava ljudske živote, a posle radnog vremena pomaže smrtno obolelim pacijentima da život okončaju pod svojim uslovima. Njen dvostruki život postaje sve komplikovaniji i sve teži, dok pokušava da uskladi posao, porodicu i svoje nezakonite aktivnosti.(n)
-category lang="sr"-Tv-serijali-/category-
- -/programme-
I tried it on seven channels and the EPG is correct on all of them..... I have to type everything and try it, then I'll let you know.
By the way, we have a problem with - code 403..... I made a more extensive comment today on the discussion that was conducted under that title.
Update fix this but now a1 problem :)
Update fix this but now a1 problem :)
its not really a problem,the ini is just using the old way of setting the timezone.
we used to use UTC[-/+]xx:xx
now we usually use a location like i said above.
if the epg is correct then you can ignore this message.
i just checked the ini in the siteini.pack and the timezone is set to Europe/Zagreb
whatever your using is not the same ini or you changed it to UTC+00:00
EPG from Serbia site "" it's 2 hours late, while it works correctly with the older "". Ini files have the same time zones indicated.
Unfortunately, the older channel list does not contain some channels that "" has (eg Blic).
change timezone to UTC
I did it before as well as after your post but the problem remains the same.
have you tried to delete guide.xml and rerun?
Maybe a bit of a stupid question on my part - what do you mean when you say guide.xml ....... on WebGrab++.config.xml or on siteini pack and ?
I downloaded the new siteini pack and made changes to WebGrab++.config.xml
if you runned mts with timezone=Europe/Belgrade the output guide.xml or whatever you call the xml file, doesn't show changes if you run update "i", in few words if you change timezone to UTC delete the output file an run again. Another option if you want local time is to run xmltv_time_modify that will change it to local or whatever time you want.
Of course the correct time also depends from the player you use.
Step I:
1. in the WebGrab++.config.xml file, which I named Prpa-proba.xml, I entered 7 channels (RTV 1, RTV 2, Blic TV, SUPERSTAR 2 HD...) from siteini.pack Serbia - .xml file had timezone=Europe/Belgrade
2. I ran the Run executable
3. the received EPG had a shift of two hours, it was not correct
II step:
1. I changed timezone=UTC in the file
2. I restarted the specified WebGrab++.config.xml file without any changes
3. the result was the same as in step I and II
III and IV step - maybe it was necessary:
1. I deleted the update="i" command from the WebGrab++.config.xml file and started the Run command - once with timezone=Europe/Belgrade and the second time with timezone=UTC
2. the result was the same as in the first step
V step:
I didn't run the xmltv_time_modify.exe executable because I did it in one case a year or two ago and it didn't accomplish anything. If my memory serves me well, I corresponded with the author of that file in this regard
Did I make a mistake in steps I to IV?
It is confusing that the siteini pack has the correct EPG (except for the SUPERSTAR 2 HD channel which is completely wrong) while the new siteini.pack (without the letter E in the name) is incorrect - 2 hours offset. Unfortunately, does not have some of the channels that this newer one contains.
How can new channels, "nova max" and "nova series", be added to ""?
Is it possible to revise because we all use, which has problems with times. doesn't exsist anymore it is now, same is for it is now . Before we analyze any problem, please run siteini.pack update, then if anything wrong let me know.
please reflect
Don't forget to update channel list.
I ran siteini.pack update and updated channel list. And compared with the github database.
From the following you can see that it doesn't matter whether I entered the timezone Europe/Belgrade (UTC+02) or UTC in the file. The EPG remains unchanged with an offset of 2 hours:
-programme start="20230730150000 +0200" stop="20230730160000 +0200" channel="SUPERSTAR 2"-
-title lang="sr"-Meri ubija ljude-/title
-desc lang="sr"-Dr Meri Haris je anđeo smrti. Meri radi u urgentnom centru, gde svakodnevno spasava ljudske živote, a posle radnog vremena pomaže smrtno obolelim pacijentima da život okončaju pod svojim uslovima. Njen dvostruki život postaje sve komplikovaniji i sve teži, dok pokušava da uskladi posao, porodicu i svoje nezakonite aktivnosti.(n)
category lang="sr"-Tv-serijali-/category
- -/programme-
-programme start="20230730150000 +0000" stop="20230730160000 +0000" channel="SUPERSTAR 2"-
-title lang="sr">Meri ubija ljude-/title-
-desc lang="sr"-Dr Meri Haris je anđeo smrti. Meri radi u urgentnom centru, gde svakodnevno spasava ljudske živote, a posle radnog vremena pomaže smrtno obolelim pacijentima da život okončaju pod svojim uslovima. Njen dvostruki život postaje sve komplikovaniji i sve teži, dok pokušava da uskladi posao, porodicu i svoje nezakonite aktivnosti.(n)
-category lang="sr"-Tv-serijali-/category-
- -/programme-
Therefore, it is not a problem even in the player in which we enter the lists. I compared the resulting program schedule (EPG) with the EPG on the page
as well as with and watching live programs on television
download rev 6 please
I tried it on seven channels and the EPG is correct on all of them..... I have to type everything and try it, then I'll let you know.
By the way, we have a problem with - code 403..... I made a more extensive comment today on the discussion that was conducted under that title.