Hello Team,
I'm having a bug with CanalPlus Afrique where for some channels start time will be 05:00am and the stop time will skip to the next day:
As in the screen capture program starts Monday 19th at 05:00AM and stops on Tuesday 20th at 01:26 AM.
I deleted and created new config files but this bug still.
is not error after this movie is end of programm until 05....
Hello BeChan, sorry i dont understand can you be more precise please
for exemple : canal plus start one movie at 23:00 and finish at 01:00 but after that channel close from 01:00 until 05:00 no epg
yes possible but what i mean by the bug is that a program will start at 05:00 AM today and the stops time will be 12:00Am tomorrow instead of be 12:00AM of the same day.