since recently tvguide.vg.no started grabbing all times as 00:00:00 (even though the date is correct).
I checked JSON that the website is giving to WG and it's ok, has all the times correctly. Tried to debug the INI file, but somewhy it always sees the times as 00:00:00
<channel update="i" site="tvguide.vg.no" site_id="nrk1" xmltv_id="nrk1">NRK1</channel>
<programme start="20231017000000 +0000" stop="20231017000000 +0000" channel="nrk1">
Updated to rev 13
Well, now I have different problem.
Unable to update channel nrk1
Generic syntax exception:
Current culture: en-GB
time parsing error : String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
nextstartdatetime time scrubbed :
computer date/time format: 18/10/2023 01:46:05
Existing guide data restored!
Even though I can see in debug logs that parser does find datetimes for all of the shows and converts them correctly. Looks like the splitting of the shows is still incorrect, maybe the index_temp_6.modify should be also corrected? (I have tried to do it myself and failed)
Yes normal split doesn't work on some shows, therefore you get no title or incorrect time, but those are correct.Use rev 13 with today date