I have a problem with cgates.tv and go3 epg. cgates.tv ini file. timezone=Europe/London. EPG also shows London time: <programme start="20241124183000 +0000" stop="20241124185200 +0000" channel="LRT Lituanica">
<title lang="lt">Panorama</title>
<desc lang="lt">Svarbiausios naujienos iš Lietuvos ir pasaulio – ne tik iš sostinių, bet ir atokiausių kampelių, informacija tiesiogiai iš įvykių epicentro, argumentų kaktomuša, interviu su dienos herojais tiesioginiame eteryje.(n)</desc>
<category lang="lt">Naujienos</category>
<icon src="https://tr.images.cdn.cgates.lt/epg/images/6428/tv_horizontal_16_9-0.jpg" />
<episode-num system="onscreen">E281</episode-num>
go3.lt timezone=Europe/Vilnius, but epg is London time.
<programme start="20241114183000 +0200" stop="20241114193000 +0200" channel="LRT HD">
<title lang="lt">Panorama</title>
<desc lang="lt">Svarbiausios naujienos iš Lietuvos ir pasaulio – ne tik iš sostinių, bet ir atokiausių kampelių, informacija tiesiogiai iš įvykių epicentro, argumentų kaktomuša, interviu su dienos herojais tiesioginiame eteryje.</desc>
<category lang="lt">Naujienos</category>
What should I do for cgates and go3 epg to be shown in Lithuania time?
usually the ini creator or last to update it figures this out.
from what your describing your epg viewer(what do you use?) does not correct the epg to your local timezone.
this is why you see the timeshift
on the downloads page use wp2mp
its that or the timezone setting isn the ini is incorrect.
its the epg off by whatever the local timezone time is in lithuania?
like +100 or +200,i dont know as not from europe.
if so change the timezone setting on the site {xx} line to timezone=UTC
I want to clarify my question. How to fix cgates.tv and go3.lt ini files, so WebGrab epg would show the same time as https://cgates.tv/tv and https://go3.lt/live_tv. At the moment WebGrab shows me UK time.
go3 is incorrect,timezone=UTC should be used.
cgates looks ok with timezone=Europe/Vilnius
I will try to clarify again. Bite.lt has timezone Europe/Vilnius and shows time correctly (pic no. 1). Go3 and cgates.tv also have the same timezone but for some reason gives me UK time (pic no. 2).
Here's two examples of the same TV News program. It airs 20:30 LT time. You can see them in pic. no. 3.
I think you need to update siteini.pack and retry. go3 is ok
your misunderstanding the data.
in pic 3 the two times are identical.
20:30 +0200 ==> Europe/Vilinus
is the exact same time as..
18:30 +0000 ==> UTC
if you adjusted 18:30 to Vinilus local time it would be 20:30,its local time is 2 hours ahead of UTC so u add that same amount of hours:minutes to its time.
also whats happening is your epg viewer isnt correcting the time,its ignoring the time offset.
for example.
i assume where you live your local time is also UTC +0200.
thats why the data in pic 1 show correct,the start/stop time is already in you local time.
in pic 2 its shows 18:30 UTC time.
your epg software should do this..
epg time is in UTC
my local time is Europe/Vilinus(UTC+0200)
your epg viewer should add 2 hours to the start/stop time so its apprears correct(20:30) in your epg viewer.
its isnt doing this,hence it shows the wrong time.
on the downloads page get WG2MP
run it after webgrab completes(u can run it as a postprocessor)
it will correct the start/stop time with their offset.
in the example above it will change it from
18:30 UTC to 20:30
its disadvantage is it also removes the time offset +0000 for example.
if your using multiple viewers some may need this so it can correctly adjust the start/stop times.
u can use merge-xmltv
i wrote it to merge xml files but u can also do the same time adjustments on files that WG2MP does above but it keeps the time offset.
it would change..
18:30 +0000
20:30 +0200
here a screenshot of a epg viewer i use to test stuff.
one channel is Bite which uses a time offset(for me its -0400),the other is from Cgates which has a offset of +0200
a correctly working epg viewer show show the exact same schedule...
This is undeniably an excellent piece of writing. We are indebted to you for taking the time to explain all of this in such lol beans detail for all of us. Your website address is lol beans It served as excellent guidance!
The issue is with the ini file itself. Cgates.tv epg does start/finish time in UK time. The whole ini file needs to be edited. In the pic the start time in my timezone needs to be 20:30, not 18:30 like shown.
One thing is the time in the xml file, another is the time showing in your actual iptv player. Does that show start at 20:30 in your iptv player?
If it was a channel from another country, then yes file and iptv player whould show different times. But in this case this channel is a Lithuanian channel. I live in Lithuania. It can't have a different time.
What does your player show?
your not getting what i explained above.
read this,jan explains it in more detail.