hello , someone could create a siteini for http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guidatv/ , thanks
hello , someone could create a siteini for http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guidatv/ , thanks
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
Try the SiteIni for mediaset.it
I think it presents the same info.
channels are not the same, I tried to create the siteini starting from the Mediaset siteini but did not succeed
What is not good with the SiteIni mediaset.it.ini?
The information on the premium site is the same as on the mediaset site.
on the site mediasetpremium there are channels not present on the site mediaset.it , kind premium cinema + 24 , premium CINEMA2 +24 and so 'on and the premium calcio 1-6 which are in this section http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guidatv/partite/
I had a look, and for the moment I cannot find the url which downloads the data.
So I will not be able to write something on short notice.
Believe this website is not for beginners.
Hi Willy and Sfiammo,
I think it is not so difficult. The URL with the data for 26/8 and channel 'Premium Cinema HD is :
http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guida_tv/json/20150826/20150826-KE.json and for 27/8 :
KE is the site_id represented by channel in the url builder.
Strange is the double urldate, I tried with a single one, but it fails. Needs to be double.
So url_index will look like this:
url_index {url|http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guida_tv/json/|urldate|/|urldate|-|channel|.json}
urldate.format {datestring|yyyyMMdd} and this line in the config :
<channel update="f" site="mediasetpremium.it" site_id="KE" xmltv_id="Premium Cinema HD">Premium Cinema HD</channel>
The response data looks like this:
{"date":20150826,"shows":[{"id":278,"title":"47 RONIN","parentalControl":2,"timeStart":1440563400,"timeEnd":1440570300,"linkDetail":"http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guidatv/cinema/47-ronin_F303799501000102.html"},{"id":279,"title":"IL VENDICATORE MASCHERATO (DI M. MOORE)","parentalControl":0,"timeStart":1440570300,"timeEnd":1440570720,"linkDetail":"http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guidatv/cinema/il-vendicatore-mascherato-di-m-moore_F306229701000103.html"}, .... etc
I will try to make the siteini ..
The mediasetpremium.it.ini is ready @ http://www.webgrabplus.com/sites/default/files/download/ini/info/zip/Italy_mediasetpremium.it.zip
One remaining issue : The rating (parentalcontrol) returns a number, 0, 1 or 2. I can convert it to something meaningfull but have no idea what these numbers stand for. Let me know and I will add that.
You will need the latest beta 55.26 for this.
thank you very very much Jan, just a detail , missing the premium calcio 1-6 channel to make it perfect
Where can I find 'premium calcio 1-6' ?
As far as I can find, the only 'calcio' channel in mediasetpremium is 'premium calcio HD'. Use
<channel update="i" site="mediasetpremium.it" site_id="KC" xmltv_id="Premium Calcio HD">Premium Calcio HD</channel>
in your config.
If you want the channel logo, I must dissapoint you! The index page with the epg data doesn't provide a channel logo. It simply not there so we cant grab it. (It's on another page, but that doesn't contain the epg data and we can grab both pages) No way, sorry
the channels are at this link http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guidatv/partite/
Yes I can see them, but there seem to be no other guide data for these channels then just on that place, nothing that give an index of time and title . Like you will see on http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guidatv after selecting a channel and a date. These Calcio 1-6 are also missing there. The overview of channels that have epg data that can be grabbed from this site is in http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guida_tv/json/channels.json
Sorry, what the site doesn't provide we cannot grab .. Jan
For the calcio channels try this one:
<channel update="i" site="yo.tv-index" site_id="COUNTRY:italia,CHANNEL_ID:25793" xmltv_id="PremiumCalcio1.it">Premium Calcio 1</channel>
<channel update="i" site="yo.tv-index" site_id="COUNTRY:italia,CHANNEL_ID:25794" xmltv_id="PremiumCalcio2.it">Premium Calcio 2</channel>
<channel update="i" site="yo.tv-index" site_id="COUNTRY:italia,CHANNEL_ID:25795" xmltv_id="PremiumCalcio3.it">Premium Calcio 3</channel>
<channel update="i" site="yo.tv-index" site_id="COUNTRY:italia,CHANNEL_ID:25796" xmltv_id="PremiumCalcio4.it">Premium Calcio 4</channel>
<channel update="i" site="yo.tv-index" site_id="COUNTRY:italia,CHANNEL_ID:25797" xmltv_id="PremiumCalcio5.it">Premium Calcio 5</channel>
<channel update="i" site="yo.tv-index" site_id="COUNTRY:italia,CHANNEL_ID:25798" xmltv_id="PremiumCalcio6.it">Premium Calcio 6</channel>
I think I gort something for the calcio channels. You will need the latest Beta release of WG++ version 1.1.1/55.26
A few problems though:
1. There is no end time for a broadcast. So taking the starttime of the next broadcast as endtime, gives akward results. i.e. football matches lasting more than 24 hours.
2. Tried to set the duration of each broadcast to 3 hours. This works in principle, but the last braodcast on the webpage for each channel is skipped in this option. And when there is only broadcast for that channel, Nothing is scrubbed.
3. Now each broadcast will end at midnight following the broadcast start.
Maybe somebody can improve on this.
Found some errors.
Through this xml , you can create a grabber for mediasetpremium and includes all channels of mediasetpremium football 1-6 , thanks . The link is http://www.mediasetpremium.mediaset.it/export/palinsesto.xml
rev 1 of mediasetpremium.it.ini : http://webgrabplus.com/sites/default/files/download/ini/info/zip/Italy_m...
It has : converted ratings, and a time correction of + 1 hour.
(For some reason the times in the epg database of the site were 1 hour before the correct time)
Please report if another problem arises after DLS change coming 25 oct
Thanks Jan,the problem is almost eliminated , the schedule of programs marks an hour back .
Not: index_start.modify {calculate(format=date,yyyy/MM/ddTHH:mm)|0:1:00 +}
Solved: index_start.modify {calculate(format=date,yyyy/MM/ddTHH:mm)|0:2:00 +}
Jan , for mediasetpremium calcio 1-6 , you can create a grabber by this schedule , always updated by Mediaset ? http://www.mediasetpremium.mediaset.it/export/palinsesto.xml
That link lists 1 day schedules (06:00 - 06:00 next day) for all about 200 channels ..I wonder if it is worth the effort to make it for just one day schedule. Or is there another url for another day?Jan
I say we create only a grabber for mediasetpremium football 1-6 from this link , while the rest of the channels I say let them stay also because it is already present mediasetpremium.it.ini , palinsesto.xml xml file in the days of the schedules are several , I would say to use them all and only for premium football 1-6. Thanks Jan.
From the outset , this xml is updated daily from the server , Jan if you notice inside , you have the option of Grabbe 10 days schedule .
I am attaching an xml sample schedule for five days , containing only Premium Calcio 1-6 .
What about http://www.mediasetpremium.it/guidatv/partite/ here you have 10 days schedule
Is right , this link also has 10 days to schedule , I was wrong .
Hi, how do I have samples taken from within the XML file the canal that interests me ?
site {url=test.it|timezone=Europe/Rome|maxdays=10|cultureinfo=it-IT|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=40|nopageoverlaps}
url_index.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate}
urldate.format {datestring|yyyy/MM/dd}
index_showsplit.scrub {multi|<prg||</prg>|</prg>}
index_start.scrub {single|orainizio="||"|>}
index_title.scrub {single|<titolo|>|</titolo>|</titolo>}
index_description.scrub {single|<descrizione|>|</descrizione>|/}
index_description.modify {cleanup(tags=">=/")}
index_description.modify {cleanup(tags="/=<![CDATA[")}
index_description.modify {cleanup(tags="]]=/")}
after DST change it is still one houre ahead.
On website:
17:04 - 18:50
Johnny English La Rinascita
HI, there are some news for this logo? I also try to add this image and i find the same url image...