I have been working on Bein Sports EPG grabber and I can grab the EPG no problem but if the show is say starting on "2016-03-08 22:45:00" and ending on "2016-03-09 00:45:00" which 2016-03-08 is a day in the past then the xml output file shows as that event 1 day ahead as follows:
"<programme start="20160309224500 +0000" stop="20160310004500 +0000" channel="1HD">"
and the problem is that Bein Sports have many events like that one which wrecks the whole channels EPG times as you can imagine. Any help would be appreciated!
- Mention the version of WG++ you tested with: Beta version - 56.17pre
- Mention your operating system (win7, win8, Mac OS, Ubutnu, Mint, ...): Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- If on an non windows machine also your mono version ( mono -V, on the command line): Mono JIT compiler version 3.2.8
Would it be possible to skip all shows between 23:00 - 00:00 if the issue cannot be fixed to avoid that problem?
I have fixed it and it was an error on the ini file so please update the website ini for bein sports with the one below that fixes the problem.