I am grabbing the epg with two session of WebGrab+ to be faster, so at the end of the job I have two files: guide1.xml and guide2.xml but if I want use it I need join two files into one. Can someone suggest me the better way? Is there one option of REX can help me? I read the documents but I can't find one solution.
I think you hate me, but can you make me one example?
I have c:\guide1.xml and c:\guide2.xml
Need i make one file merge-xmltv.ini an write inside:
subpage.format {list|c:\guide1.xml c:\guide2.xml} line
After i don't understand about channel.xml :(
Ok Ok. Thank you like usually, I will have problems i will ask again :)
I need ask you again. I think the setup of my ini is ok, Inside my original WebGrab++.config.xml I have this config:
What's the way to modify it and use for merge inside the new WebGrab++.config.xml? Please can you explain me?
I did different but is working fine.
I joined all files WebGrab++.config.xml into one inside the new folder WebGrab_Merger
I edited the ini following your instructions an after I replaced "guidatv.sky.it" with "merge-xmltv" and is working perfectly.
Is not working rex, but this is another one question...
At the end something is wrong.. The channels are joined but not the description and other things... What's can be? The log show me
[Error ] no shows in indexpage!
I totally understood the procedure, is not totally working because skip the channels with offset. Is there another one way?
I follow your way, but is one old bug I think, never fixed. I have same problem of this user.
Excuseme if I am slow to answer you, my connection is really worst, I will read soon your mesages, but thank you in advice.
Ok. I followed everything you told me, I have tree files "guide_01.xml, guide_02.xml, guide_03.xml" my config inside the file is:
inside the file WebGrab++.config.xml I I copied my default configuration and i added all files with this format:
If I lunch the script I have this result.
What's the first step to fix it?
I am trying to use the scope for make the channels list but I have the same errors, I made the ini file like this:
If I want it works I need also modify the list of the cannels like this, is it the right procedure? Escuseme if I am always asking but I want be sure..
If I do it, the file merge-xmltv-utc.channels.xml Is create in the same folder of guide.xml running webgrab.
If I open the file merge-xmltv-utc.channels.xml I have the channels like:
I copy all list of channels inside webgrab++config.xml, and I add again the * inside the ini about the scope make the list of channels and I run again webgrab.
After short timre the file guide.xml look like correctly made.
Thank you!
Here's a simple tool to do this: http://www.webgrabplus.com/comment/23188#comment-23188
Do you realize you are replying to a post 4 years old ?
If you google for a solution for that issue, you will still end up here. Probably even in 2030.
That user solved his problem using merge, if someone is looking for other solution can google by himself.