A grabber definition for the belgian channels
This is still in development. Try it and report erros pls.
Actors are not grabbed separately because, presenters, and others are defined into the same field and cannot be distuingished from real actors. The information is given in the description field though.
The website tend to be slow.
No errors seen here. And correct, the site tend to be slow.
Maybe these you can add (if not already on your todo list)?
- category? Don't think it can be done?
- showicon
- episode
See what you think about this.
I do not know what to scrub under Showicon.
Category will have some strange entries like: Rechtstreeks verslag van deze wielerwedstrijd, Dagelijks magazine dat laat zien waar mensen in Vlaanderen echt mee bezig zijn. Because this is given on exact the same place as the category.
Great job.
I mean urlchannellogo instead of showicon. Sorry.
Episodes are grabbed correctly. Category also, but with some strange info sometime. Maybe counting the number of words? If count > 3 it is not a category and leave it in the subtitle?
The info of the category and the episode is still seen in the subtitle. Maybe remove it from there?
>500 seconds for 3 channels. Yes a slow site.