Hi, just found this great forum...I use kodi on android platform. I have channels from SingtelTV, I have looked and can only find the xml and ini for starhub in Singapore, but looking at these channels they seem to have the same as Singtel
Is there anyway to use these on kodi or any similar android app, the channels are via a m3u list
Thanks for that info, i think it will be easier to edit the names in the m3u list to match the webgrab xml
will try this later tonight when home
Is there a way to update the offset of the channels in the webgrabconfig.xml instead of having to to it in the channel itself, for example:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-shift=-7 tvg-id="TLC" tvg-logo="TLCLASD.png",TLC
I'm grabbing data from a channel from Spain. I'm based in Mexico, hence, I need to set the time offset to -7, BUT, I do lose those seven hours of the guide..
Has anyone else come up with this before, and how did you resolve this issue ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Mariano,
in fact you don't have to do anything if you have your computer set to the right local (Mexico) timezone and daylight saving time settings as you would have it normally. WG++ converts all the times to your local time automatically.
If you really want to correct some times yourself .. you can use http://www.webgrabplus.com/sites/default/files/download/utility/xmltv_time_correct/xmltv_time_correct.zip
But as said, you dont need it.
Question : which spanish site are you using?