Hi Jan
I got your e-mail but when I want to see this onthe forum I got this error again:
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument in check_plain() (line 1566 of C:\DrupalWG\includes\bootstrap.inc).
PDOException: in dblog_watchdog() (line 160 of C:\DrupalWG\modules\dblog\dblog.module).
I dont know whati s wrong ...maybe some slovenian charachters
Can you please upload files here..
Thanks Jan
P.S. Yes now its OK .... problem is slovenian characters so i type Sport TV 1 and Sport TV 2 as you see...
Can you not use:
<channel update="i" site="siol.net" site_id="Šport+TV+1" xmltv_id="SportTV1.si">Šport TV 1</channel>
<channel update="i" site="siol.net" site_id="Šport+TV+2" xmltv_id="SportTV2.si">Šport TV 2</channel>
Or this:
<channel update="i" site="amis.net" site_id="33" xmltv_id="Š1">Š1</channel>
<channel update="i" site="amis.net" site_id="34" xmltv_id="Š2">Š2</channel>
or this:
<channel update="i" site="d3go.si" site_id="%EF%BF%BDport-tv-2" xmltv_id="Šport TV 2">Šport TV 2</channel>
<channel update="i" site="d3go.si" site_id="%EF%BF%BDport-tv-1" xmltv_id="Šport TV 1">Šport TV 1</channel>
Sorry Willy, this is not problem but I want schedule from original web page not from siol, amis or d3go...
Can you please upload ini files from another same topics because I cant open page.... thanks