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TVSpielfilm.ini (DE) with xmltv_ns episode numbering

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TVSpielfilm.ini (DE) with xmltv_ns episode numbering

Dear All, dear Jan

As there were problems with my file due to a change as per 2014-12-02 0:00h, I created a (compatible) fall-back solution - and updated the according to:

*    switch-over to xmltv_ns for episodesystem/episode_num
*    altered reading of season/episode scrubbing acc. to divers site layouts
*    text "(Staffel #s, Folge #e)" is added to description
*    format: "#S.#E.#P" (S = season, E = episode, P = part) - no leading zeros
*    numbers zero-based
*    multi-episodes not supported
*    part number (of a broadcast) not supported

Please find attached with a README to indicate oppotunities (easy switch) and constraints (server responsiveness)

Kind regards - Chris

Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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